Oatlands College
Oatlands College is a Voluntary Catholic Secondary School for boys, founded by the Christian Brothers and now under the Trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust [ERST]. It is the policy of the College to accept for enrolment boys who respect and whose Parents respect the religious and educational philosophy of the ERST Charter*, as set out in its Mission Statement.
Oatlands College is an Edmund Rice school community composed of students, teachers and other staff, parents and management under the Trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust [ERST]. The central purpose of this community is the religious, moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and social education of the students. Inspired by the vision of Edmund Rice, as set out in the religious and educational philosophy of the ERST Charter, the school seeks to create an atmosphere of Christian care and concern in which students can grow to maturity.
Latest News
National Science Olympiad Success
Well done to 5th years Daniel and Freeman who recently...
1st Place in Technology
Aaron Raphael DeJohn with teacher Mr Liam McBarron and Lord...
Application Forms
Application forms for 1st Year September 2025, together with a copy of the Admissions Policy, are now available. The closing date for receipt of the completed application form will be Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at 5.00pm.
“The college seeks to create an atmosphere of Christian care and concern in which students can grow to maturity.”
Latest Tweets
TY Chinese Workshop
4Congratulations to Tomás, Ben, Chrisxcian, Connor, George, Santiago, Raphael, Nikolaos, Maximilliano, Dylan and Reggie for winning the Christmas Art competition run by the Oatlands College Newsletter.