Letter from Principal Friday 8th January

Good morning everyone,
I hope you are well. As promised earlier this week I am contacting you now by email to update you on where we currently stand.
As you are aware from the media/DES we are now in a position of delivering online classes to all the students in the College until the end of January. This will commence at 10.50 am Monday to allow for a Staff Meeting in advance. Please note the following important points;

  • Classes will take place in a form of Blended Learning for every subject which will be a mixture of online teaching and also assignments and work being set.
  • The platform used will be Microsoft Teams as has been agreed by all teachers and students are familiar with this platform.
  •  A register of attendance will be taken for every class and as such if a student is unable to attend [ due to illness etc] the usual protocol re absences applies ie, contacting the Subject Teacher, Tutor or Year Head to inform them of the absence.

There will be a certain protocol to online classes which must be adhered to by all students;

  1. The student must log on to every class.
  2. The camera must be switched on.
  3. A register of attendance will be taken.
  4. All students must adhere to the AUP policy of the College which they can revise in their journal. If the rules of the AUP policy are breached sanctions will apply

 I will be having a ZOOM meeting with each Year Group and their parents /guardians next week [ in the evenings] and will be accompanied by the Deputy Principal, Year Head and Guidance Counsellor as required. You will receive a link for this meeting on the day of the ZOOM by email and text message.
Monday 11th January—6.30pm -6th Years, 7.30 pm- 1st Years.Tuesday 12th January—6.30 pm -5th Years, 7.30 pm-2nd Years.Wednesday 13th January—6.30 pm -3rd Years, 7.30 pm Transition Years.
The purpose of these meetings is mainly to answer any questions you have as best we can with the information we are being given.
So classes begin at 10.50 am Monday 11th January. Please note the secretaries are contactable as per usual at the school number 01 2888533 or by email if required. The Year Heads will be in touch in the coming days as will Subject Teachers and Tutors.

It is our intention to provide the best continuity of education and support for you and your son throughout this difficult time.
Please be vigilant re our Website, Twitter account, text messages and your sons’ email account over the next few weeks.   

Every best wish,


Caroline Garrett


Oatlands College 

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